123 Wellington Street, St. Thomas, ON N5R 2R5
We are conveniently located in the heart of St. Thomas at the corner of Wellington St. and Princess Ave. We have ample parking right at our door. Please feel free to contact us via phone, email or the form below and we will be happy to assist you!
- Office: 519-637-3306
- Chris: 519-777-9448
- chris@mywaterguy.ca
- Jame: 519-709-9214
- jame@simplypurewater.ca
Please note that we have adjusted our hours due to COVID-19.
- Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
- Saturday: 9am to 2pm
- Sunday and Stat Holidays: CLOSED
For your convenience, we have a 24 hour coin-operated dispenser available for refills on your terms.